
This Blog contains general information about Integrous LLC and Integriosity but is not intended to serve as a source of legal advice for any purpose.  Neither receipt of information presented or linked in the Blog nor any email or other electronic communication sent to Integrous LLC or its lawyers in reply to the Blog will create an attorney-client relationship, and no such email or communication will be treated as confidential.

Profit is NOT bad.   In fact, we believe PROFIT IS NECESSARY for an organization (other than a non-profit organization) to be obedient to the Creation Mandate, because it is necessary for sustainability, for the flourishing of owners and to further the bigger "WHY" of the organization....

We believe investors of Biblical faith wanting to invest in alignment with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities need to think BIGGER in a new way--prioritizing "significance" over "size". If they don’t, they are at risk of undermining not only the faithfulness of their own...

The second key ingredient (after flexible approach) needed for successful execution of a Re-Imagined Purpose, Re-Imagined Values and a Re-Imagined Culture is Intentional Leaders. An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. The four important aspects of...

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including how people are treated. God created humans to create organizations to organize humans to work together in relationship to create products and services...

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including matters of governance such as ownership, leadership and internal structures and policies.  A leader wanting to faithfully "do right" through business a better...

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including how it understands, assesses and utilizes "capital".  A leader wanting to faithfully "do right" through business a better way must understand their role as...

When a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, begins to RE-IMAGINE the organization they lead, the process must begin with Re-Imagining Vision--the organization's WHY.  Re-Imagining Vision requires leaders prayerfully to discern a WHY that expresses the heart God...

The core of Integriosity® is ALIGNMENT--aligning the organization's purpose and values with core Biblical purpose and values, then cultivating an organizational culture of Shalom that is aligned with, and reinforces, the organizational purpose and values. The RENEW stage of Integriosity provides the tools for...

The first key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHAT of faith-work integration--the very PRINCIPLE that defines faith-work integration.   The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #1 is "FAITH CAN’T FIT INTO WORK".  Faith-work integration is about integrating work into...