Author: Paul Michalski

We believe many people of Biblical faith pursue their career or do their job without any Biblical understanding of the WHY of work.  Their WHY for work is wrapped up in their needs and the grand plan for their kingdom.  In this post, we will explore three ways to view the WHY of work: live to work, work to live, and...

In a recent post we looked at a seeming anomaly--a secular business that appears to be faithfully "doing right" through business a better way (i.e., business as God intended in accordance with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities) seemingly without being faith-driven.  In this post, we will highlight an example of what some cynics might say is an oxymoron--a law firm...

Recently, the CEO of BlackRock, Inc., Larry Fink, came out with his 2022 "letter to CEOs". In his 2022 letter, Fink focused on "stakeholder capitalism".  We thought it would helpful to compare stakeholder capitalism and what we call business a better way.  In many ways, they can look and feel the same, but they are not.  You will not be surprised...

In our last post we looked at why Biblically faith-based non-profits can have cultures that stray far from God's design for work--good work on the outside with unhappy people on the inside. In this post, we consider the other end of the spectrum--secular businesses that appear to be faithfully "doing right" through business a better way (i.e., business as...

In this post we look at some special "culture" challenges that can lead Biblically faith-based non-profits down a seemingly business as usual path. These organizations are born with "faith-work integration" but can have cultures that stray far from God's design for work--good work on the outside with unhappy people on the inside. People tolerate unhealthy cultures in faith-based...

Over the last two years, we have laid out a model for moving toward what we call Integriosity®--faithfully "doing right" through business an better way.  It is time to pause, take a breath and look back over the last 101 posts. We believe these last 100 posts have honored our promise to you from post #001. Integrous is here to help...

One bigger WHY of work and business is the "SO THAT" that gives the biggest WHY to every other WHY. RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.®  It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and...

We believe beautiful was God's design when He created everything and declared it "very good", but business as usual and work as usual are often accompanied by an ugly cost to God's creation, including people.  RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.®  It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and...

RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.®  It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities based upon a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business.  One of those bigger WHY's is Humanizing...

RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.® It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities based upon a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business. It is the narrow "ancient...

RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.® It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities based upon a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business. It is the narrow "ancient...

RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.® It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities based upon a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business. It is the narrow "ancient...

RESTORE is the fourth and final step in the path of Integriosity.® It is about seeing the bigger WHY's of work and business materialize and manifest in an organization that has been RE-IMAGINED and RE-ALIGNED with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities based upon a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business. It is the narrow "ancient...

After building the essential bridge of a RENEWED mind that allows us to move from business as usual to business a better way, exploring how to use that RENEWED understanding to begin to RE-IMAGINE an organization in a way that leads to faithfully "doing right" through business a better way, and then actually implementing change by RE-ALIGNING the organization with...

The process of Integriosity® should not (actually, cannot) be rushed.  The first step of RENEW is not about knowledge--it is about "mind-shifts" that lead to "heart-change" that leads to "culture-change", and heart-change and culture-change usually doesn't happen overnight.  The second step of RE-IMAGINE--prayerfully dreaming up a Re-Imagined Purpose, Re-Imagined Values and a Re-Imagined Culture that align with Biblical beliefs, values and...

Prayer is essential in equipping leaders to face the spiritual challenges of leading an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a better way in a fallen world dominated by business as usual, and it is one of the six Covert-Overt Continuums of Integriosity®. The Prayer Continuum should always be the very first one addressed by leaders pursuing business...

The world--and business as usual--teaches organizational leaders to Trust principally in two things--"impressive" people and "secure" money--but we believe that is misplaced Trust. Business a better way requires re-directing that misplaced Trust in line with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities. Leading an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a better way requires Trust in God, and Trust...

An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. One of the four important aspects of the Intentional Leadership required to lead an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a better way is a commitment to Authenticity. Authenticity is the embodiment of the "wholeness" of Integrity, which is at the core of...

An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. One of the four important aspects of the Intentional Leadership required to lead an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a better way is a commitment to cultivating a Re-Imagined Culture. There are no "magic beans", "magic formulas" or "quick fixes" to realizing...

An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. One of the four important aspects of the Intentional Leadership required to lead an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a better way, while avoiding the pitfalls of faith as usual Side Roads, is commitment to a bigger WHY. As explained in prior...

The second key ingredient (after flexible approach) needed for successful execution of a Re-Imagined Purpose, Re-Imagined Values and a Re-Imagined Culture is Intentional Leaders. An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. The four important aspects of the Intentional Leadership required to lead an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a...

The third step in the path of Integriosity®--RE-ALIGN--is when a leader and an organization begin actually implementing change and alignment rather than just learning (RENEW) and dreaming (RE-IMAGINE). The first key ingredient needed for successful execution is a flexible approach. Faithfully "doing right" through "business a better way" requires alignment with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities, but it...

After building the essential bridge of a RENEWED understanding of God’s purpose for work and organizations that allows us to move from business as usual to business a better way and exploring how to use that RENEWED understanding to begin to RE-IMAGINE an organization in a way that leads to faithfully "doing right" through business a better way, it is...

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including how people are treated. God created humans to create organizations to organize humans to work together in relationship to create products and services that serve humanity.  Because organizations are about people, organizational Culture needs to about people.  A...

In partnership with Stanwich Church in Greenwich, CT and NCS New Canaan (the founding chapter of the New Canaan Society), Integrous is sponsoring simulcast “watch parties” at Stanwich Church for the global Faith-Driven Entrepreneur and Faith-Driven Investor Conferences on September 8 and 9, 2021....

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including matters of governance such as ownership, leadership and internal structures and policies.  A leader wanting to faithfully "do right" through business a better way must understand their role as the steward of an organization owned by God, including...

A Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities can have important implications for the very nature of an organization's activities, including how it understands, assesses and utilizes "capital".  A leader wanting to faithfully "do right" through business a better way must understand their role as a steward of all forms of capital (natural, social, human and financial) that drive the...

Just as a Re-Imagined Purpose and Re-Imagined Values drive a Re-Imagined Culture for an organization (assuming they are the real Purpose and Values of the organization), a Re-Imagined Culture can have important implications for the very nature of the organization's activities, including the products and services it offers. If a Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities...

Just as a Re-Imagined Purpose and Re-Imagined Values drive a Re-Imagined Culture for an organization (assuming they are the real Purpose and Values of the organization), a Re-Imagined Culture can have important implications for the very nature of the organization's activities, including the products and services it offers. If a Re-Imagined Culture aligned with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities...

Faithfully "doing right" through business a better way requires an alignment of Purpose, Values and Culture arising from a commitment to Biblical beliefs, values and priorities that leads a person or organization, instinctively, to do the right things, in the right ways and for the right reasons. We believe such an alignment must result in a Biblical organizational Culture...

Faithfully "doing right" through business a better way requires an alignment of Purpose, Values and Culture arising from a commitment to Biblical beliefs, values and priorities that leads a person or organization, instinctively, to do the right things, in the right ways and for the right reasons. Purpose is the cornerstone and Values are the foundation that must define...

Once a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, RE-IMAGINES the Purpose and Values of the organization they lead, the final (and most difficult) step is to Re-Imagine Implementation of that purpose and those values throughout the organization by re-imagining its organizational Culture. Re-Imagined Purpose forms the cornerstone of the organization and Re-Imagined...

Once a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, RE-IMAGINES the Purpose of the organization they lead, the next step is to Re-Imagine Values. Re-Imagined Purpose forms the cornerstone of the organization, but Re-Imagined Values complete the foundation. Values in an organization are critical because they serve to translate the purpose into...

When a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, begins to RE-IMAGINE the organization they lead, the process must include Re-Imagining Profit--the most difficult and most important element of Re-Imagining Purpose. It is the most difficult because Profit as Purpose is at the core of "business as usual". It is actually...

When a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, begins to RE-IMAGINE the organization they lead, the process must include Re-Imagining People--the role and treatment of the people in the organization.  Re-Imagining People requires leaders prayerfully to discern what the organization could look like if flourishing, dignity and community became priorities.  It flows from,...

When a leader, armed with a RENEWED understanding of God's purpose for work and business, begins to RE-IMAGINE the organization they lead, the process must begin with Re-Imagining Vision--the organization's WHY.  Re-Imagining Vision requires leaders prayerfully to discern a WHY that expresses the heart God desires to implant in the organization and captures the hearts of the organization's people, inspiring...

The core of Integriosity® is ALIGNMENT--aligning the organization's purpose and values with core Biblical purpose and values, then cultivating an organizational culture of Shalom that is aligned with, and reinforces, the organizational purpose and values. The RENEW stage of Integriosity provides the tools for Re-Alignment--a renewed understanding of Biblical purpose, values and priorities for work and business. But...

There are four stages in the process toward Integriosity®, each of which lays the groundwork for the next--RENEW, RE-IMAGINE, RE-ALIGN, RESTORE.  Jumping into RE-IMAGINE or RE-ALIGN before RENEW would be like going out on the field before you learned the rules of the game or the fundamental skills.  Jumping into RE-ALIGN before RE-IMAGINE would be starting the game without a...

The fifth key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHEN of faith-work integration--it is getting at the PRIORITY of "business a better way" in the organization being stewarded by faith-driven leaders. The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #5 is "THE TIME IS NOW". Once a faith-driven...

The fourth key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the HOW of faith-work integration--it is getting at the PRACTICE of "business a better way" through actually implementing a "heart" change in the organization being stewarded. The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #4 is "SYMBOLS ARE SECONDARY". In the...

The third key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHY of business--it is getting at the PURPOSE that flows from, and supports, an organization faithfully "doing right". The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #3 is "GREED IS NOT THE CREED". It is the most important--and...

The second key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHO of leaders pursuing faith-work integration--the kind of PERSON needed to faithfully "do right". The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #2 is "YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DO". Mind-Shift #2 is about seeing yourself first in terms of...

The first key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHAT of faith-work integration--the very PRINCIPLE that defines faith-work integration.   The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #1 is "FAITH CAN’T FIT INTO WORK".  Faith-work integration is about integrating work into faith, not faith into work.  Integrating faith into work suggests a VERY SMALL view of...

A leader can't align the purpose and vision of an organization with God's purpose for work and business until that leader has a sound understanding of work and business from a Biblical perspective, which is the purpose of the RENEW step of Integriosity®.  Until an organization's leader(s) is ready to abandon business as usual thinking and adopt business a better way thinking, the second step...

A key element of the RENEW step of Integriosity® is re-ordering disordered priorities by looking at Biblical principles for work and business. It is important to go back to first principles by asking what the Bible tells us are the keys to everything else. The key Biblical principles that form the foundation of Integriosity are embedded in the word...