#068 – Integriosity – RENEW—Mind-Shift #2–The “WHO” of Leaders

ESSENCE: The second key “mind-shift” of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHO of leaders pursuing faith-work integration–the kind of PERSON needed to faithfully “do right”.   The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #2 is “YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DO“. Mind-Shift #2 is about seeing yourself first in terms of WHO you are in relation to God and second in terms of WHAT you do.  For example, a person should NEVER strive to be a Christian businessperson (or Christian lawyer or Christian doctor or Christian artist), because that identity is primarily a WHAT identity (businessperson–the NOUN) and only secondarily a WHO identity (Christian–the Adjective).  People’s hearts will be tied to what they see as their primary identity, and that will drive their actions and ultimately their destiny.  Leading an organization to faithfully “do right” through business a better way requires mind-shifts that lead to heart-shifts, both in the leaders and in the organization.

In post #066 we introduced the five key “mind-shifts” of business a better way thinking that are the gateway to moving into the RE-IMAGINE process of Integriosity®, and in our last post (#067) we explored Mind-Shift #1 – rethinking the WHAT of faith-work integration (“Faith Can’t Fit Into Work”).  Mind-Shift #2 is about rethinking the “WHO” necessary for faith-work integration–it is getting at the PERSON needed to lead an organization to faithfully “do right”.

“MIND-SHIFT #2”–Person Needed for Faith-Work Integration

It is impossible to pursue faithfully “doing right” in leading an organization without a solid understanding of the PERSON–the identity–needed to lead an organization toward faith-work integration.  As with all the “mind-shifts”, we believe there are two common (and misguided) views as well as what we call the RENEWED view.  For the purpose of illustration, we will use Mary–she is a businessperson (it could be any occupation–lawyer, accountant, barista, artist, musician, engineer, truck-driver, etc.) who identifies as a Christian.

  • World View:  The secular “world” view of faith and occupation is that they have absolutely nothing to do with each other (unless the occupation is in “ministry”).  A person’s “faith identity” is personal and does not belong at the office/factory/store (sometimes because the proponents of this view are hostile to faith).  Mary should be a Christian on Sundays and a businessperson Monday-Friday.  Sadly, many people who profess faith in God do not get much further than this view.  Back in post #010, we explained the three gaps that people serious about faith-work integration needed to cross:  the Sunday/Monday Gap, the Sacred/Secular Gap and the Knowing/Doing Gap.  The “world” is effectively stuck behind the Sunday/Monday Gap, but so are many regular church-goers. What they do Monday-Friday is disconnected from the faith they practice on Sunday (or Saturday)–not because they are hostile to faith, but because they have never been taught otherwise.


  • “Faith as Usual” Views.  Assuming Mary gets across the Sunday/Monday Gap, there is a good chance that she will be urged to become a “Christian businessperson”, which is the most frequent “identity” urged by those promoting faith-work integration.  Of course, Mary may find herself side-tracked in Agonizing, Individualizing, Monetizing, Cosmeticizing, Prosperitizing or Interimizing as she tries to live out being a “Christian businessperson”, but that is likely to be the way she introduces herself (at least around others who share her faith), and it is an identity for which Mary will be affirmed in her faith communities. At Integrous, we believe a person should NEVER strive to be a Christian businessperson (or Christian lawyer or Christian doctor or Christian artist). 

Jesus is saying that the greatest concern of life is to place our relationship with God first, and everything else second. (Oswald Chambers)

  • The “Renewed” View.  The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #2 is “You Are Not What You Do“.  Mind-Shift #2 is about seeing yourself first in terms of WHO you are in relation to God and second in terms of WHAT you do.  Oswald Chambers wrote “Jesus is saying that the greatest concern of life is to place our relationship with God first, and everything else second.”  That is particularly hard in America, where we are defined by our job/profession/occupation.  What is typically one of the first (or THE first) questions asked when meeting someone new at a social or networking event?  Of course, it’s “What do you do?”
    • Primary and Secondary Identities. Let’s parse the IDENTITY Mary has been urged to pursue–“Christian businessperson”. Remember, words have power. Our words become our actions, which become our habits, which become our values, which become our destiny.
      • The NOUN–the primary focus of Mary’s identity–is “businessperson”–WHAT she does, and the ADJECTIVE–the secondary attribute of Mary’s identity–is “Christian”–WHO she is meant to be.
        • As a “Christian businessperson”, Mary will have a WHAT identity–seeing herself as first and foremost a businessperson who tries to carry out her businessperson identity in a Christian way.
        • We believe a person will compromise their secondary identity to succeed in their primary identity.  With a WHAT identity, that means sacrificing the “Christian” to succeed as the “businessperson”.   With a WHO identity, that means sacrificing worldly success as a businessperson (and even sacrificing that role) to pursue first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.
      • We believe Mary will be more successful in leading an organization to faithfully “do right” if she makes Mind-Shift #2 and begins thinking about herself–and speaking about herself–in terms of a WHO identity as “a follower of Jesus engaged in business”.
    • WHO vs. WHAT.  Let’s compare a WHO identity and a WHAT identity.
      • A WHO Identity
        • Mary will see herself as “a follower of Jesus engaged in business”
        • Mary may have to make sacrifices in her worldly business success to follow God’s principles and priorities.
        • WHAT Mary does will be determined by God’s leading rather than its potential for worldly success.
        • WHO Mary is where God places her will be more important than WHERE God places her.
        • Mary will wear WHAT SHE DOES lightly and will be able to change disguise at a moment’s notice.
        • Mary will need to trust God with her provision and circumstances.
        • Mary’s identity will push her to go beyond “good” to pursue “Godly”.
      • A WHAT Identity
        • Mary will see herself as a “Christian businessperson”.
        • Mary may sacrifice the two great commandments (love your God and love your neighbor) or the pursuit of God’s Kingdom and His righteousness to achieve “success” in her primary identity as a businessperson (possibly rationalizing that she is still doing better than the people with no faith inspiration).
        • Mary will hold on very tightly to her worldly primary identity, possibly making compromises in righteousness or exploiting others to maintain her position and pursue her career/grow her business.
        • Mary will always need to have a worldly identity to latch onto–a good answer to “WHAT do you do?”
        • Mary is likely to trust mainly her abilities as a “businessperson”.
        • Mary may be “good”, but is unlikely to be “Godly” in WHAT she does.

People’s hearts will be tied to what they see as their primary identity, and that will drive their actions and ultimately their destiny. Leading an organization to faithfully “do right” through business a better way requires mind-shifts that lead to heart-shifts, both in the leaders and in the organization.  Anything less can bring the the missed purpose for organizations, the missed calling for leaders, the missed flourishing for people and the increased misery that was explained in Post #036.

We believe it is time for business a better way in alignment with Biblical values and priorities–it is time to begin faithfully “doing right” through Integriosity.

SPOILER ALERT:  In the third step of Integriosity–RE-ALIGN–a key ingredient is leaders committed to a WHO identity.

PERSONAL NOTE (from PM): Way back in post #020 I shared the story of hearing Dave Dravecky (a former pitcher for the San Francisco Giants) talk about losing his WHAT identity, and I shared what it was like, just two years later, when my wife and I concluded that God was asking me to “tear up” the WHAT identity I had for over two decades–an attorney with a prestigious “Wall Street”  law firm.  I also shared how I came to the realization that my primary identity must always be as a follower of Jesus–my identity must be WHO I am and not WHAT I do.  Another marker in my “identity” journey was a series of talks given one summer by Bruce Bickel at Camp-of-the-Woods.  Bruce re-invented his WHAT several times after a successful Navy career.  Bruce had many great “one-liners”, but the Bickel line I will always remember is “Who you are where you are is more important than where you are.”  Thank you Bruce.

Copyright © 2021 Integrous LLC.  Integriosity is a registered Service Mark of Integrous LLC.

Photo Credit: Original photo by Ollyy on Shutterstock (photo cropped)

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