Identity Tag

Over the last five years, we have been laying out and expanding on a model for moving toward what we call Integriosity®--leading with faithful integrity through business a better way toward Biblical flourishing.  It is time to pause, take a breath and look back over the last 250 posts as we did after 100 and 200. We hope this is...

Over the last four years, we have been laying out and expanding on a model for moving toward what we call Integriosity®--leading with faithful integrity through business a better way and toward Biblical flourishing.  It is time to pause, take a breath and look back over the last 200 posts as we did after 100. We hope this is a...

Don’t worry--this is not about the U.S. Southern border, Eastern European borders or Middle Eastern borders.  It is about the border between the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God.  Kingdom border protection is trickier than geographic border protection because a faithful leader resides in both kingdoms and the border exists in the heart of the leader and...

You are probably wondering "What is an RYR?" "RYR" stands for a "Rich Young Ruler".  Don't stop reading just because you are not "rich" or not "young" or not a "ruler"--being an RYR is not about status or circumstances. It is about your heart as reflected in your primary identity.  "Are you an RYR?" is a question every faithful leader must...

Integrous Founder Paul Michalski was a guest speaker at the biennial conference of the Kingdom International Legal Network (KILN).  The 2023 KILN Conference was organized in partnership with the Kenya Christian Lawyers Fellowship (KCLF) and drew lawyers from across the globe, including Australia, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, Fiji, Nigeria, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, the United Kingdom and...

As faithful leaders enter 2023, we want to share the four "first things" to "keep first" in leading faithfully--they are actually captured by the word Integriosity itself.   In our last post, we described the first two.  In this PART 2, we will describe the second two.  A key element of the RENEW step of Integriosity is re-ordering disordered priorities, because...

As faithful leaders enter 2023, we want to share the four "first things" to "keep first" in leading faithfully--they are actually captured by the word Integriosity itself.   In this PART 1, we will describe the first two.  In our next post we will cover the second two. A key element of the RENEW step of Integriosity is re-ordering disordered priorities,...

ESSENCE: If you are a faithful leader leading an organization, the start of 2023 is a great time to begin being more intentional about leading faithfully. In fact, the best time is always "today".  A key element of the RENEW step of Integriosity is re-ordering disordered priorities by looking at Biblical principles for work and business.  It is important to go back to first principles by...

There will come a time when a faithful leader who has been leading an organization faithfully in alignment with Biblical beliefs, principles and priorities is ready to leave.  "Leaving faithfully" is an essential element of "leading faithfully".  It is a critical aspect of stewardship, and it an aspect of stewardship that sets Biblical stewardship apart from worldly stewardship. Biblical stewardship requires...

What's your noun (no, not your "pronouns")?  We’re talking about the word that describes your primary identity--the identity you will protect at the expense of all other secondary identities.  Secondary identities often show up as adjectives that give extra color to how you live out your noun. The culture of the world is filled with words and phrases that blind...

We believe words are important and powerful.  The culture of the world is filled with words that blind us to God’s purpose for work--words that reinforce work as a burden to be avoided rather than a blessing of God's creation.  Disordered words that embody the world's priorities rather than Kingdom priorities infect our thinking, which ultimately infects our heart.  For...

Integrous Founder Paul Michalski was the guest speaker at the monthly Toolbox Ministries-Galleria lunch held on March 9, 2022 at The Houston Racquet Club in Houston, Texas.    Paul's talk was titled The 7 Stages of My Journey To the Why of Work: Understanding the Intersection of Faith and Work....

We believe investors of Biblical faith wanting to invest in alignment with Biblical beliefs, values and priorities need to think BIGGER in a new way--prioritizing "significance" over "size". If they don’t, they are at risk of undermining not only the faithfulness of their own investing but also the ability of faith-driven entrepreneurs and business leaders to run their businesses...

Once we understand that God's design is "work AS life" (work as a way to be more fully human and not something to be balanced against life), we need to understand how to balance "work WITHIN life". We believe Biblical priorities are pretty clear--faith, family and work, in that order. Unfortunately, business as usual and our culture exert...

We believe many people of Biblical faith pursue their career or do their job without any Biblical understanding of the WHY of work.  Their WHY for work is wrapped up in their needs and the grand plan for their kingdom.  In this post, we will explore three ways to view the WHY of work: live to work, work to live, and...

Over the last two years, we have laid out a model for moving toward what we call Integriosity®--faithfully "doing right" through business an better way.  It is time to pause, take a breath and look back over the last 101 posts. We believe these last 100 posts have honored our promise to you from post #001. Integrous is here to help...

The second key ingredient (after flexible approach) needed for successful execution of a Re-Imagined Purpose, Re-Imagined Values and a Re-Imagined Culture is Intentional Leaders. An organization will not faithfully "do right" through business a better way without Intentional Leaders. The four important aspects of the Intentional Leadership required to lead an organization to faithfully "do right" through business a...

The fifth key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHEN of faith-work integration--it is getting at the PRIORITY of "business a better way" in the organization being stewarded by faith-driven leaders. The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #5 is "THE TIME IS NOW". Once a faith-driven...

The fourth key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the HOW of faith-work integration--it is getting at the PRACTICE of "business a better way" through actually implementing a "heart" change in the organization being stewarded. The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #4 is "SYMBOLS ARE SECONDARY". In the...

The third key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHY of business--it is getting at the PURPOSE that flows from, and supports, an organization faithfully "doing right". The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #3 is "GREED IS NOT THE CREED". It is the most important--and...

The second key "mind-shift" of business a better way through Integriosity® captures a new way of thinking about the WHO of leaders pursuing faith-work integration--the kind of PERSON needed to faithfully "do right". The critical thing to remember about Mind-Shift #2 is "YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DO". Mind-Shift #2 is about seeing yourself first in terms of...

A third key aspect (in addition to Idol and Identity and Money and Power) of toxic "work as usual" that leads to "work" becoming something far from God's good and live-giving design in Genesis is that it has become a Burden rather than the blessing it is was designed to be. Our cultural obsession with finding "Work/Life Balance" is...

At Integrous, we believe one of the four key aspects of toxic "work as usual" that leads to "work" becoming something far from God's good and live-giving design in Genesis is Idol and Identity--the idea that "work as usual" means our work has come to DEFINE "who" we are, rather than being a place to EXPRESS "who" we are....

Of the various aspects of blue pill "business as usual" that contribute to workplace and worker brokenness, Profit as Purpose is the most significant, but the Scarcity assumption and the Self Interest assumption exacerbate the problems by ignoring why we were created and whose image we reflect.  Together, these factors reinforce manipulative and dehumanizing managerial behavior and work cultures that...

Profit is not a problem, just like money is not the root of all evil. In fact, profit is necessary for a business operating in a market economy--without it you don't have a sustainable organization or access to financial capital.  But (and it is a big "but"), Profit as Purpose is a problem of business as usual, just like the...