06 Dec #201 – Integriosity – The Path To Here – 200 Markers
ESSENCE: Over the last four years, we have been laying out and expanding on a model for moving toward what we call Integriosity®–leading with faithful integrity through business a better way and toward Biblical flourishing. It is time to pause, take a breath and look back over the last 200 posts as we did after 100. We hope this is a helpful roadmap for looking back, exploring topics of particular interest, reading those you may have missed, and re-reading those that were convicting.
It was January 29, 2020, when Integriosity post #001 (The Foundation) was published. This is what we said we would be doing back in post #001:
We believe there are many leaders who are guided by the Bible in their personal lives and sincerely want to live an integrated faith life at work. They have heard about “faith/work integration” in a sermon or conference or book and genuinely want to pursue God’s purpose for their work and for the people and organizations they lead.
Sadly, many are confused or frustrated or even intimidated. Some have given up. Others think they are doing it, but they are actually missing the mark. These problems frequently are the result of hearing a misguided message, an incomplete message or a purely theological message (and then wondering how it practically applies “back at the office”). Many fall into what has been called the “knowing-doing gap”.
There is an answer–we call it Integriosity®. In these blog posts, we will explain the need for a different approach to faith/work integration (the faith and work movement has been around for 90 years, yet 90% of workers are not mobilized for their employers), debunk the “myths” that create confusion, frustration and intimidation, identify the “faith as usual” misses we call “Agonizing”, “Individualizing”, “Monetizing”, “Cosmeticizing”, “Prosperitizing” and “Interimizing”, and explain the path to Integriosity and its fruit. Integriosity is a new word, but these are not new ideas. It is going back to Biblical basics and then rolling up our sleeves to see how to actually implement them “back at the office” in a way that humanizes people, beautifies the world and glorifies God. It is seeking an “ancient path” referenced in Jeremiah 6:16.
It seems like a time to step back and try to see how the pieces come together to shape a better way to lead organizations–a better way to work–a better way to be “human” and help others be “human”–business a better way.
Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. (Jeremiah 6:16)
INTEGRIOSITY: The Detailed Roadmap
- “Faith as Usual” Side Roads
- Missed Purpose
- Missed Calling
- Missed Flourishing
- Increased Misery
- Increased Hypocrisy
- Unsustainability
- The Bridge from “As Usual” to “A Better Way” (#037)
- Biblical Principles
- Management Matters (#038)
- Keep First Things First
- Overview (#039)
- Righteousness
- Kingdom
- Bigger Gospel (#045)
- Lessons from Creation – Why We Are Here (#046)
- Lessons from Creation – Imago Dei (#047)
- Lessons from Creation – Work is Good (#048)
- Lessons from Creation – Work is Necessary (#049)
- Where We Are Going – A Restored City (#050)
- Where We Are Going – We Have a Role (#051)
- Role of Work Business and Redemption (#052)
- Love
- Loving Generously – Faithful Presence (#053)
- Loving Generously – Being “Godly” (#054)
- Loving by Serving – Nature of Work (#055)
- Loving by Serving – Nature of Business (#056)
- Loving by Serving – Purpose of Work and Business (#057)
- Respect and Sustainability – God’s Limits (#058)
- What About Profit? (#059)
- Humility
- Four Principles and Eight Keys (#065)
- Five Key Mind-Shifts (#066)
- Integriosity–The Roadmap (#102)
Expanding and Applying the Model
- Business as Usual in “Ministry” (#103)
- Business a Better Way “Without Faith” (#104)
- Business a Better Way vs Stakeholder Capitalism (#105)
- Doing Right in Law “Without Faith” (#106)
- Work as Life (#107)
- Work Within Life (#108)
- Bigger Returns (#109)
- Integriosity–What About Profit? (#110)
- Silos Are for Farms (and Famines) – Personal Silos (#111)
- Silos Are for Farms (and Famines) – Organizational Silos (#112)
- The Power of Words (and Disordered Words) (#113)
- Words That Shape Work (#114)
- Words That Shape Identity (#115)
- Words That Shape Culture (#116)
- How Easter Shapes Business (#117)
- Whose “Will” Be Done (#118)
- Faithfully Positioning Profit – Optimize vs Maximize (#119)
- The “Great De-Humanization” (#120)
- Creation Capitalism (#121)
- The Importance of Imago Dei (#122)
- “Why” In Deed: The Path to a Ministry of Work (#123)
- Another Side Road – Monastecize (#124)
- Choices: What’s Your “O” (#125)
- Is “Quiet Quitting” Unhuman? (#136)
- Succession or Secession? (#138)
- Beautify or Uglify? (#139)
- Covert or Overt? (#141)
- Breaking Free from the Matrix (#143)
- What’s Your Noun? (#144)
- Is Profit Your Turkey? (#150)
- Leading Faithfully by Leaving Faithfully (#152)
- Eight Keys for Starting 2023 Leading Faithfully (#153)
- Four “First Things” To “Keep First” on Leading Faithfully (Part 1) (#154)
- Four “First Things” To “Keep First” on Leading Faithfully (Part 2) (#155)
- Caring for People–Heart, Hype or Hustle? (#159)
- Why Easter Matters (for Work, Business and Investing) (#168)
- Three “Priority” Problems (and Some Solutions) (#172)
- Words that Shape Act III (Eliminate “Retirement”) (#176)
- Words that Inspire: “Play Big” (#178)
- Are You an “RYR”? (#187)
- Kingdom Border Protection (#193)
- Don’t “Do an Ahaz” (#197)
- Don’t Make Profit Your “Turkey” (#199)
- Prioritize Biblical Flourishing (#200)
- Integrity Ideas: What’s Coming (#126)
- Integrity Idea 001: Hire A Chaplain (#127)
- Integrity Idea 002: Proclaim a Faithful Purpose (#128)
- Integrity Idea 003: Pay Today (#129)
- Integrity Idea 004: Promote an ERG (#130)
- Integrity Idea 005: Fund an Employee Fund (#131)
- Integrity Idea 006: Provide Humanity Resources (#132)
- Integrity Idea 007: Personal Prayer (#133)
- Integrity Idea 008: Group Prayer (#134)
- Integrity Idea 009: Intercessory Prayer (#135)
- Integrity Idea 010: Culture Coordinator (#137)
- Integrity Idea 011: Celebrate Impact (#140)
- Integrity Idea 012: Hire the Unhireable (#142)
- Integrity Idea 013: Set a Values “Plumb-Line” (#143)
- Integrity Idea 014: Understand Your “Real” Culture (#146)
- Integrity Idea 015: Remember the Fourth (#147)
- Integrity Idea 016: Pick the Right “Peter Principle” (#148)
- Integrity Idea 017: Listen to a Life (#149)
- Integrity Idea 018: Use Tech “Whysely” (#151)
- Integrity Idea 019: Banish “Bribery” (#156)
- Integrity Idea 020: Buy Tickets (#162)
- Integrity Idea 021: Cancel Cursing (#163)
- Integrity Idea 022: Adopt Adoption (#166)
- Integrity Idea 023: Segregate Sacred Space (#170)
- Integrity Idea 024: Optimize Compensation (#174)
- Integrity Idea 025: Reward Rest (#175)
- Integrity Idea 026: Keep Your Word (#177)
- Integrity Idea 027: Embrace “Biblical DEI” (#182)
- Integrity Idea 028: Embrace “Biblical ESG” (#183)
- Integrity Idea 029: Create a Team “Humanbook” (#184)
- Integrity Idea 030: Encourage “Biblical EQ” (#185)
- Integrity Idea 031: Catalyze “Kindness” (#186)
- Integrity Idea 032: Adopt a “77” Policy (#191)
- Integrity Idea 033: Provide “Plain” Pricing (#194)
- Integrity Idea 034: Fortify Family (#195)
- Integrity Idea 035: Tear Down Those Walls (#198)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Choice (#157)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – Faithful Integrity (#158)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Ancient Path (#160)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The 4-Step Journey (#161)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Brokenness of “Business as Usual” (#164)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The “Gaps” (#165)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The “WHY” Wave (#167)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The “Way” of the World (#169)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – How the World’s “Way” Wrecks “Work” (#171)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Toxicity of “Work as Usual” (#173)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Misses of “Faith as Usual” (#179)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The Stumbling Blocks of “Faith as Usual” (#180)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The “Side Road” Detours of “Faith as Usual” (#181)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – The First Step – RENEW (#188)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – First Things – Righteousness (#189)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – First Things – Kingdom (#190)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – First Things – Love (#192)
- “Leading Faithfully” Basics – First Things – Humility (#196)
Integrous is here to help you begin executing business a better way in alignment with Biblical beliefs, principles and priorities–helping you lead with faithful integrity toward Biblical flourishing.
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “The time is always right to do the right thing.”
PERSONAL NOTE (from PM): When I started this blog in January 2020, I still believed Integrous was not about new content. These 200 articles have been an act of obedience.
Copyright © 2023 Integrous LLC. Integriosity is a registered Service Mark of Integrous LLC.
Photo Credit: Original photo by Nicole Wilcox on Unsplash (photo cropped)
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